This page contains legal information including our General Terms and Conditions as well as for specific services to be read in conjunction with our General Terms and Conditions.
General Terms and Conditions
Our General Terms and Conditions are deemed incorporated in and are applicable to (and to the extent of any inconsistency will prevail over) the terms of every quote, order, plan, contract, or other arrangement in connection with the supply of goods and/or services by us to our clients.
Last updated: 03/03/2021
Microsoft Cloud Services Terms and Conditions
Our Microsoft Cloud Services Terms and Conditions allows us to provide our clients with Microsoft cloud services including Microsoft 365. This document should be considered in conjunction with our general terms and conditions.
Last updated: 10/02/2023
Microsoft Cloud Agreement
Our ability to grant our clients the right to use Microsoft Cloud services is subject to your acceptance of the Microsoft Cloud Agreement. When accepting our Microsoft Cloud Services Terms and Conditions our clients confirm that they also agree to this document.
End users must always adhere to Microsoft’s Acceptable Use Policy which forms part of Microsoft’s Universal Licence Terms for Online Services. If we suspect a breach of this policy, we have the right to terminate your service immediately and notify Microsoft of the breach.
Backup Services Terms and Conditions
This set of terms and conditions allows us to provide our clients with backup services. This document should be considered in conjunction with our General Terms and Conditions.
Last updated: 10/11/2023